Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Leo Tolstoy
"The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens ... Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere."
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Girl Power
I found these interesting quote after looking up on Sikhism in Wikipedia.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji states:
ਭੰਡਿ ਜੰਮੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਨਿੰਮੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਮੰਗਣੁ ਵੀਆਹੁ ॥
Bẖand jammī▫ai bẖand nimmī▫ai bẖand mangaṇ vī▫āhu.
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.
ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਦੋਸਤੀ ਭੰਡਹੁ ਚਲੈ ਰਾਹੁ ॥
Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.
ਭੰਡੁ ਮੁਆ ਭੰਡੁ ਭਾਲੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਬੰਧਾਨੁ ॥
Bẖand mu▫ā bẖand bẖālī▫ai bẖand hovai banḏẖān.
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.
ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮੰਦਾ ਆਖੀਐ ਜਿਤੁ ਜੰਮਹਿ ਰਾਜਾਨ ॥
So ki▫o manḏā ākẖī▫ai jiṯ jamėh rājān.
So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.
ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੀ ਭੰਡੁ ਊਪਜੈ ਭੰਡੈ ਬਾਝੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥
Bẖandahu hī bẖand ūpjai bẖandai bājẖ na ko▫e.
From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji states:
ਭੰਡਿ ਜੰਮੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਨਿੰਮੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਮੰਗਣੁ ਵੀਆਹੁ ॥
Bẖand jammī▫ai bẖand nimmī▫ai bẖand mangaṇ vī▫āhu.
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.
ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਦੋਸਤੀ ਭੰਡਹੁ ਚਲੈ ਰਾਹੁ ॥
Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.
ਭੰਡੁ ਮੁਆ ਭੰਡੁ ਭਾਲੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਬੰਧਾਨੁ ॥
Bẖand mu▫ā bẖand bẖālī▫ai bẖand hovai banḏẖān.
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.
ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮੰਦਾ ਆਖੀਐ ਜਿਤੁ ਜੰਮਹਿ ਰਾਜਾਨ ॥
So ki▫o manḏā ākẖī▫ai jiṯ jamėh rājān.
So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.
ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੀ ਭੰਡੁ ਊਪਜੈ ਭੰਡੈ ਬਾਝੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥
Bẖandahu hī bẖand ūpjai bẖandai bājẖ na ko▫e.
From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Pak Trotsky madah...
Before exhausting or drowning mankind in blood, capitalism befouls the
world atmosphere with the poisonous vapors of national and race hatred. Anti-Semitism today is one of the most malignant convulsions of capitalism’s death agony. -Trotsky-
Friday, September 16, 2011
Ideal life would be to have economy good enough to have choices,
possessions small enough, you can carry it on your own back, and,
feet strong enough to travel the world.
Not to forget, love strong enough to kill any seed of hatred.
possessions small enough, you can carry it on your own back, and,
feet strong enough to travel the world.
Not to forget, love strong enough to kill any seed of hatred.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
All we are saying is give peace chance
Such a brilliant, the lyric put a smile on face, it's simply amazing.
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, ism ism ism
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Minister, Sinister, Banisters and Canisters,
Bishops, Fishops, Rabbis, and Pop Eyes, Bye bye, Bye byes
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
(Let me tell you now)
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Revolution, Evolution, Masturbation, Flagellation, Regulation,
Integrations, mediations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary,
Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper,
Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna
Hare Hare Krishna
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
(Repeat 'til the tape runs out)
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, ism ism ism
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Minister, Sinister, Banisters and Canisters,
Bishops, Fishops, Rabbis, and Pop Eyes, Bye bye, Bye byes
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
(Let me tell you now)
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Revolution, Evolution, Masturbation, Flagellation, Regulation,
Integrations, mediations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary,
Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper,
Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna
Hare Hare Krishna
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
(Repeat 'til the tape runs out)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Kenapa bising-bising pasal nak bayar cukai, nak bersedekah?
Kenapa kamu mau bising-bising bila diingatkan untuk membayar cukai, enggan bersedekah? Bukannya duitmu tidak kecukupan utk tanggunganmu. Kau mampu memiliki rumah besar, kereta Eropah, gajet terbaru dan sebijik LV yangg sungguh hodoh.
Kenapa kamu mengelak kewajipanmu menolong yg lain? Bukankah mereka makan pun tidak cukup? Mereka ini merempat di pondok papan, basikal pun tak mampu, menulis pun tidak tahu. Jangankan LV, dompet untuk diisi duit pun tidak ada.
Kenapa ditidakkan kewajipanmu? Ditidakkan peluang untukmu mengenal kemanusiaanmu? Ditidakkan peluang untuk membantu saudaramu yang sengsara dihimpit kemiskinan?
Besar mana lagi rumah mu ingin kau buat? Laju mana lagi kereta kau mau beli? Berapa banyak lagi harta keduniaan kau mau rakusi? Adakah ini mengkayakan hatimu? Adakah ini membunuh kesunyianmu?
Kerajaan, kenapa duit cukai rakyat kau buat seperti harta sendiri? Sedangkan itu amanahmu. Cukai, sumbangan rakyat untuk memperbaiki hidup sejagat. Cukai bukan ufti untuk disalahguna kamu dan kroni-kroni kamu guna berjoli, menunjuk kuasa.
Manusia, cukup-cukupla menjadi barah. Cukup-cukup la menjadi rakus. Ingat kamu itu manusia, semua jika ditikam, darahnya merah juga. Ingat kemanusiaanmu.
Kenapa kamu mengelak kewajipanmu menolong yg lain? Bukankah mereka makan pun tidak cukup? Mereka ini merempat di pondok papan, basikal pun tak mampu, menulis pun tidak tahu. Jangankan LV, dompet untuk diisi duit pun tidak ada.
Kenapa ditidakkan kewajipanmu? Ditidakkan peluang untukmu mengenal kemanusiaanmu? Ditidakkan peluang untuk membantu saudaramu yang sengsara dihimpit kemiskinan?
Besar mana lagi rumah mu ingin kau buat? Laju mana lagi kereta kau mau beli? Berapa banyak lagi harta keduniaan kau mau rakusi? Adakah ini mengkayakan hatimu? Adakah ini membunuh kesunyianmu?
Kerajaan, kenapa duit cukai rakyat kau buat seperti harta sendiri? Sedangkan itu amanahmu. Cukai, sumbangan rakyat untuk memperbaiki hidup sejagat. Cukai bukan ufti untuk disalahguna kamu dan kroni-kroni kamu guna berjoli, menunjuk kuasa.
Manusia, cukup-cukupla menjadi barah. Cukup-cukup la menjadi rakus. Ingat kamu itu manusia, semua jika ditikam, darahnya merah juga. Ingat kemanusiaanmu.
Money 2
Once I had a discussion with dear Aliph about socialism vs
capitalism. One thing I will remember the notion that the suffering of
the proletariat under capitalist system is collateral damage. Let me
tell you this, it's intentional. Those poor labourer suffer because the
company wants to make the most money with the least amount of capital.
Apple and many other company make factories in China because the labor
so cheap that it could hardly brings the labourer out of poverty and
there no such thing as labour law there. The workers paid so little and
the work hazard is so high. The big company doesn't care about their
workers health unless it create controversies. Capitalist come so close
at making these people their slaves.
I remember watching a TV show. I'm not what it was really all about, but it left lasting impression in my memory. A worker in tuna factory in Indonesia, preparing tuna in the can we buy off the shelves were paid 1 hour of minimum wage in Britain for a day's work. The worker, a lady with a family to feed, work so hard, live away from the family and taking the cheap snacks that most Malaysian won't hardly look as a great luxuries that she cried when someone treat her some snacks and chocolate. The British that were in the show saying something about willing to pay more for the tuna knowing that the money will go to people like the Indonesian lady. I say yes to that and the company should increase the workers pay and improve the working condition. Stop hogging all the profits. Spread the money.
I remember watching a TV show. I'm not what it was really all about, but it left lasting impression in my memory. A worker in tuna factory in Indonesia, preparing tuna in the can we buy off the shelves were paid 1 hour of minimum wage in Britain for a day's work. The worker, a lady with a family to feed, work so hard, live away from the family and taking the cheap snacks that most Malaysian won't hardly look as a great luxuries that she cried when someone treat her some snacks and chocolate. The British that were in the show saying something about willing to pay more for the tuna knowing that the money will go to people like the Indonesian lady. I say yes to that and the company should increase the workers pay and improve the working condition. Stop hogging all the profits. Spread the money.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Honestly, I don't like money. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I want to be poor. It's only that I wish, humanity is not so closely bound to money that almost everyone worshiping it. I hate the fact that what we call money these days is only piece of paper. The money in our pocket have no value without the government that manufactured it. The moment the government collapse, the paper lost its value and ceased to become what we called money.
To add salt to injury, or shall I say flame to the hatred. I hate how this world economy powered by those darn capitalist. It's sickening to see how the bourgeois greedily pocketing the riches and the proletariat getting poorer day by day. It's sickening to see the people being told to buy something they don't need, with the money they don't have, to please people they don't like just because the society pressuring them to do so. And the society was pressured to do so by that darn capitalist. Demands are created for things not needed. Trends created to keep the demand coming. This sicken me so much that I feel like puking each time I think about.
To add salt to injury, or shall I say flame to the hatred. I hate how this world economy powered by those darn capitalist. It's sickening to see how the bourgeois greedily pocketing the riches and the proletariat getting poorer day by day. It's sickening to see the people being told to buy something they don't need, with the money they don't have, to please people they don't like just because the society pressuring them to do so. And the society was pressured to do so by that darn capitalist. Demands are created for things not needed. Trends created to keep the demand coming. This sicken me so much that I feel like puking each time I think about.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The brilliant Monty Phyton
we would like to apologies for the way in which politicians are represented in this programme. It was never our intention to imply that politicians are weak-kneed political time-servers who are concerned more with their personal vendettas and private power struggle than the problems of government, nor to suggest at any point that they sacrifice their credibility by denying free debate on vital matters in the mistaken impression that party unity comes before the well-being of the people they supposedly represent, not to imply at any stage that they are squabbling little toadies without an ounce of concern for the vital social problems of today. Nor indeed do we intend that viewers should consider them as crabby ulcerous little self seeking vermin with furry legs and excessive addiction to alcohol and certain explicit sexual practices which some people might find offensive. -Monty Phyton, S3E5-
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Pain that I'm Used To
I love love Depeche Mode. One of the band in history. I wish I could come to their concert and headbanging to this song. This song is definitely perfect for that.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
There’s a
Japanese proverb that say “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a
great teacher.” I found to be very true…there are some the lecturers who
you can see to be very professional, they are so amazing! So inspiring, so
admirable…one day, I’m gonna be like them.
Talk about
professionalism, it reminds me of the
guy at the India street, he’s always there, near the bus station, selling
newspaper, he’s always there, ever since I’m in my first year, which is
mid-2006. I never know his name, rather I never ask…maybe one day I’ll ask
him. He’s professional in his on way, he is very knowledgeable in what he do.
He’s just a simple man, but he inspires me.
Japanese proverb that say “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a
great teacher.” I found to be very true…there are some the lecturers who
you can see to be very professional, they are so amazing! So inspiring, so
admirable…one day, I’m gonna be like them.
Talk about
professionalism, it reminds me of the
guy at the India street, he’s always there, near the bus station, selling
newspaper, he’s always there, ever since I’m in my first year, which is
mid-2006. I never know his name, rather I never ask…maybe one day I’ll ask
him. He’s professional in his on way, he is very knowledgeable in what he do.
He’s just a simple man, but he inspires me.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Of Circus and Perfect Symmetry

Anyway, I'm very curious about her new album, so I give a go. I really love the Circus music video. Surprisingly, the song damn boring without the music video.
The album as a whole is disappointing. There is no flow in the album, it's felt like listening to compilation instead.
Or maybe it is just my weird taste in music.

As a whole, this album is great! A great flow from one song to the other. Good variation, good singing, good music, good lyric and great feelings.
Listening to the album make me noticed how much the band has mature. It's a big departure from the Hopes and Fears. Compared to Under the Iron Sea, it is more relaxed.
Song to song review.
1. Spiralling - Wow! This is very different from the previous album, the song is so glamorous, so pop, yet unique. 5/5
2. Lovers Are Losing - This song still have the same feeling with the Hopes and Fears album, as always, the lyric is awesome. I hate to give this song 4/5
3. Better Than This - Yet another awesome song. It is quite different from the previous album, especially in the music. Tom also sing cutely here *Pepper, cutely?*.4/5
4. You Haven't Told Me Anything - OMG! I heart this song, I'm not sure if it's a guitar or another awesome keyboard manipulation by Rice-Oxley. I think it's a guitar. 5/5
5. Perfect Symmetry - I love Tom singing here. again, the awesome lyric touched me deep within me...maybe you'll felt it too... 5/5
6. You Don't See Me - The song have this beautiful dreamy quality that I love. It's a relaxing music. This is the kind of music that I would listen before I go to sleep or need to relax. I wish I'm the you in this song. So beloved and all. But I promised I'll see me. 4/5
7. Again & Again - The song is catchy and very nice to listen. I love the fact that Keane never fail to write meaningful lyric for their songs. 5/5
8. Playing Along - This particular song captures the feeling I have regarding this world. Sometimes, I just don't want to think about it, I just want to shut myself away from all the nonsense. 5/5
9. Pretend That You're Alone - This songs in a way talks about the possibility of living without attachment, to law, to love, to anyone. "We are just the monkeys, who fell out of the trees, We are blisters on the earth,We are not the flowers, we're the strangling weeds in the meadow" Hmm, we're no monkey, but yes, we're blister to the Earth. 4/5
10. Black Burning Heart - Listening the song make me feel as if I'm listening to bonus song form Hopes and Fears. 3/5
11. Love is the End - The song, compared to the first few songs in this album, is very slow. Slow in a good way, it a break-up song. You'll be crying listening to this if you happened to just break-up. It's a song about accepting the end of a relationship, it's in someway soothing. 5/5
p/s: my first time doing album review. How was it?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Easter at The Spring
This post is so belated. However, waste not want not, I decided to publish it anyway.
Easter Garden at The Spring mall, Kuching.
This bunny, made out of buns, is genius!
Tea party anyone?
I want that Totoro. The grey one of course.
Cupcakes or muffins for sale.
And more stuffs for sale all around the garden.
Unofficial Video- Depeche Mode's John the Revelator
I always have special place for Depeche Mode in my heart. I started with Enjoy the Silence. After that, I scoured the net for any of their songs and video (by that time, youtube is still youtube. Not much video and all).
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Different POV
Another post from my old blog, a weak attempt to write poem. Nostalgic nevertheless
this is what happen when i try to see things from a guy point of view….
her pitiful eyes set on mine,
with only that,
guilty sets in,
i’m not the one to blame,
but why?
that weak hands,
reaching mine,
wanting me to give it all,
i got nothing…
her pitiful eyes set on mine,
with only that,
guilty sets in,
i’m not the one to blame,
but why?
that weak hands,
reaching mine,
wanting me to give it all,
i got nothing…
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Things a man doesn't want to hear
this is an article written by Lewis Nordan for CLEO August 2009 (His Say, page 94). I love this article so much that I really wanted to share it with you guys...really really nice.
Once upon a time, let's say, there was a tragic princess. She was very beautiful, of course. The tragic princess had a single flaw. It was that her tounge had been enchanted by an evil king when the princess was a child, and it was doomed forever to tell lies against her.
At night. she slipped into bed beside me, between the clean linens. I breathed in the satin of her skin, the coarse silk of her hair.
She said, "That candle stinks."
I said, "I'll put it out."
She said, "I'm allergic to the new bubble bath."
I said, "I'll rub you with oil."
She said, "I forgot to shave my legs."
I said, "I'll shave them for you."
She said, "I have varicose vein. You might nick it and make it bleed."
I was beginning to understand.
She said, "I'm fat."
I said, "You're gorgeous."
She said, "I'm old."
I said, "You are the woman I love."
She said, "My breasts are sagging."
I said, " Stop. Please stop this."
She said, "My thighs!"
I said, "Cellulite?"
She said,"How could you!"
I said, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
She said, "Did I take a sexy bath and come to bed to be insulted?"
I said, "It hurts me for you to talk this way."
She said, "I share my feelings with you, and you turn against me. And now you're the one who is hurt!"
Then the princess demanded an apology. Lovesick, hopeless suitor that I was, I invented one sufficient to appease her. Later she forgave me, and at her suggestion we made love.
When we were finished, she whispered, "Why do you love me?"
I said, "Because you are beautiful."
The room was dark. I could feel her warmth beside me. I could have gone to sleep on these words.
She said, "I think I have a yeast infection."
I closed my eyes tight and would not answer and would not look in her direction, for fear the monster I might see. I lay and hated the evil king who had cursed this princess in her crib.
Once upon a time, let's say, there was a tragic princess. She was very beautiful, of course. The tragic princess had a single flaw. It was that her tounge had been enchanted by an evil king when the princess was a child, and it was doomed forever to tell lies against her.
At night. she slipped into bed beside me, between the clean linens. I breathed in the satin of her skin, the coarse silk of her hair.
She said, "That candle stinks."
I said, "I'll put it out."
She said, "I'm allergic to the new bubble bath."
I said, "I'll rub you with oil."
She said, "I forgot to shave my legs."
I said, "I'll shave them for you."
She said, "I have varicose vein. You might nick it and make it bleed."
I was beginning to understand.
She said, "I'm fat."
I said, "You're gorgeous."
She said, "I'm old."
I said, "You are the woman I love."
She said, "My breasts are sagging."
I said, " Stop. Please stop this."
She said, "My thighs!"
I said, "Cellulite?"
She said,"How could you!"
I said, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
She said, "Did I take a sexy bath and come to bed to be insulted?"
I said, "It hurts me for you to talk this way."
She said, "I share my feelings with you, and you turn against me. And now you're the one who is hurt!"
Then the princess demanded an apology. Lovesick, hopeless suitor that I was, I invented one sufficient to appease her. Later she forgave me, and at her suggestion we made love.
When we were finished, she whispered, "Why do you love me?"
I said, "Because you are beautiful."
The room was dark. I could feel her warmth beside me. I could have gone to sleep on these words.
She said, "I think I have a yeast infection."
I closed my eyes tight and would not answer and would not look in her direction, for fear the monster I might see. I lay and hated the evil king who had cursed this princess in her crib.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Liyana!
- Neil Armstrong first stepped on Liyana with his left foot!
- The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Liyana as she rode out to collect warriors slain in battle.
- Two grams of Liyana provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours!
- Some birds use Liyana to orientate themselves during migration!
- The average duration of sexual intercourse for Liyana is two minutes.
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Liyana can not!
- Fish travel in schools, but whales travel in Liyana!
- Liyana was declared extinct in 1902.
- Three seagulls flying overhead are a warning that Liyana is near.
- Ostriches stick their heads in Liyana not to hide but to look for water!
p/s: macam bengong pun ada, but I love #6 XD
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tag and Sarcasm
Objective: Are you mean and sarcastic? Have you ever answered people ‘meanly’ and sarcastically? If yes, show us how mean and sarcastic you are! If no, then you should try at least once in your life with this note.
Rule: Respond to these as sarcastic/mean as you could.
(YR stands for Your Response.)
once u've been tagged must do!
happy reading!
If an annoying person says:
1) I am cute.
YR: like Buta's (my cat) poo.
2) I am the most beautiful/handsome:
YR: have you take your medicine dear? I'm pretty sure you're delusional right now.
3) See, everyone likes me because I am rich and famous!
YR: well, if you give me your money and fame, I'm pretty sure everyone will like me....more than you ^_^
4) Unlike you, I am perfectly multi-skilled. I do everything very well from sports to academic thingy..
YR: then you can help me cleans the public so dirty that it only worth you, as the skillful one to clean it up
5) You don’t know me? I am Bruneian artist; I have albums.
YR: Then I'm pretty sure you're CD in the discount bin with 99% discounts, wait...i think, it's already in the rubbish bin.
If an annoying hot woman/man says:(if hes really2 hot)
1) I know you like me.
YR: you seems to be late for your appoinment with your psychiatrist...shooo...sho
oo...don't make him wait.
2) What are you looking at? I am not interested in you!
YR: Sorry, I just noticed how 'plastic' you look like...who's the surgeon?
3) Sorry, you are nice but seriously not my type!
YR: you're talking to who? *looking around*
4) UNLESS you are rich, then don’t dream that I will get a ride with you!
YR: why should I give you a ride? you don't even worth it to share a cab with...sorry~
5) Look, I am pretty/handsome; I can make people hate you!
YR: What you talking about? Do I look like I care?
If an annoying extremely ugly woman/man says:(if she really ugly)
1) I think you and I can make a good couple.
YR: only in slumber land!
2) May I have your cell phone no? please please please?
YR: *text messaging Jiyuu* sorry, I don't have cell phone.
3) Hi, wanna hang out? I want you to be with me the whole night..
YR: Sorry, the night ends immediately when I'm with you. ta-ta *waving goodbye*!
4) What do you like about me?
YR: wait, i try to remember....*few moments later* sorry, I couldn't find one.
5) I want you to say that I am pretty/handsome and you like me sooooo much!
YR: You are pretty/handsome, I like you sooo much! *moment of silence* and I'm one big liar XP
If your enemy says:
1) Hi bitch!
YR: You still think that you're a dog? I pity you!
2) You smell like shit!
YR: Really? gosh, it is true then that my new designer perfume really only suits the classy one!
3) What an ugly creature you are!
YR: Am I? Betty Page must be ugly since people said that I'm Betty Page's twin.
4) I am going to kick your ass in this race for sure!
YR: If your legs long enough....ooops, sorry Shortie! (I'm short! XD)
If your annoying ex says:
1) I still love you...
YR: and her, her, her, her, her, her...*pointing every girls on sight*
2) I know you still love me!
YR: Like I love peanuts (I hate peanuts)
3) Please, go back with me honey/hubby..
YR: *looking around* Erm, you talking to me? Do I know you?
4) Please call me...
YR: *Text messaging Aliph* Sorry, my phone is broken.
5) The break up hurt me so much..
YR: like a needle prick?!
If an annoying salesperson says:
1) Wow! You are so pretty/handsome!
YR: and you just noticed it?
2) Seriously, I used this product and I've Changed!
YR: Alriiiiiiight, then I'm pretty sure this product is really should stop using it.
3) We are giving a discount up to 50%!
YR: where the other 50% went?
4) This one is good sir/madam. Buy sir/madam, buy..
YR: sure *smile and walk away*
If you read are tagged. ^_^ CHEERS!
Rule: Respond to these as sarcastic/mean as you could.
(YR stands for Your Response.)
once u've been tagged must do!
happy reading!
If an annoying person says:
1) I am cute.
YR: like Buta's (my cat) poo.
2) I am the most beautiful/handsome:
YR: have you take your medicine dear? I'm pretty sure you're delusional right now.
3) See, everyone likes me because I am rich and famous!
YR: well, if you give me your money and fame, I'm pretty sure everyone will like me....more than you ^_^
4) Unlike you, I am perfectly multi-skilled. I do everything very well from sports to academic thingy..
YR: then you can help me cleans the public so dirty that it only worth you, as the skillful one to clean it up
5) You don’t know me? I am Bruneian artist; I have albums.
YR: Then I'm pretty sure you're CD in the discount bin with 99% discounts, wait...i think, it's already in the rubbish bin.
If an annoying hot woman/man says:(if hes really2 hot)
1) I know you like me.
YR: you seems to be late for your appoinment with your psychiatrist...shooo...sho
2) What are you looking at? I am not interested in you!
YR: Sorry, I just noticed how 'plastic' you look like...who's the surgeon?
3) Sorry, you are nice but seriously not my type!
YR: you're talking to who? *looking around*
4) UNLESS you are rich, then don’t dream that I will get a ride with you!
YR: why should I give you a ride? you don't even worth it to share a cab with...sorry~
5) Look, I am pretty/handsome; I can make people hate you!
YR: What you talking about? Do I look like I care?
If an annoying extremely ugly woman/man says:(if she really ugly)
1) I think you and I can make a good couple.
YR: only in slumber land!
2) May I have your cell phone no? please please please?
YR: *text messaging Jiyuu* sorry, I don't have cell phone.
3) Hi, wanna hang out? I want you to be with me the whole night..
YR: Sorry, the night ends immediately when I'm with you. ta-ta *waving goodbye*!
4) What do you like about me?
YR: wait, i try to remember....*few moments later* sorry, I couldn't find one.
5) I want you to say that I am pretty/handsome and you like me sooooo much!
YR: You are pretty/handsome, I like you sooo much! *moment of silence* and I'm one big liar XP
If your enemy says:
1) Hi bitch!
YR: You still think that you're a dog? I pity you!
2) You smell like shit!
YR: Really? gosh, it is true then that my new designer perfume really only suits the classy one!
3) What an ugly creature you are!
YR: Am I? Betty Page must be ugly since people said that I'm Betty Page's twin.
4) I am going to kick your ass in this race for sure!
YR: If your legs long enough....ooops, sorry Shortie! (I'm short! XD)
If your annoying ex says:
1) I still love you...
YR: and her, her, her, her, her, her...*pointing every girls on sight*
2) I know you still love me!
YR: Like I love peanuts (I hate peanuts)
3) Please, go back with me honey/hubby..
YR: *looking around* Erm, you talking to me? Do I know you?
4) Please call me...
YR: *Text messaging Aliph* Sorry, my phone is broken.
5) The break up hurt me so much..
YR: like a needle prick?!
If an annoying salesperson says:
1) Wow! You are so pretty/handsome!
YR: and you just noticed it?
2) Seriously, I used this product and I've Changed!
YR: Alriiiiiiight, then I'm pretty sure this product is really should stop using it.
3) We are giving a discount up to 50%!
YR: where the other 50% went?
4) This one is good sir/madam. Buy sir/madam, buy..
YR: sure *smile and walk away*
If you read are tagged. ^_^ CHEERS!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sushi Tips.
[this post is actually from my old blog, since that blog is practically dead. I'm moving posts that I think good enough to this blog.]
One of my friend actually have trouble making her sushi-meshi (sushi rice) nice...I'm happened to be lucky on my first I guess I shared what I told her here...on how to make sushi rice.
What you need: rice cooker, spatula and big container made of plastic or wood, sushi-rice (short grain, japonica variety), sushi vinegar, a cup or a bowl, water, fan and a good discipline to keep yourself from opening the rice cooker lid before the rice is cooked.
1. Use a cup or a bowl to measure the rice. We gonna use the same cup or bowl later to measure the water volume.
2. Run the rice under water to remove residues...wash until the water clear.
3. Remove as much water as possible, and then let the rice stand for 30 minutes to an hour...this step is important to make your sushi-meshi thoroughly cook *I learn this the hard way last night, which is my third attempt on making sushi*.
4. After step 3 done, place the rice into rice cooker and add water using the same cup or bowl in step 1. If you cook 1 cup of rice, then add 1 cup of water.
5. Let the rice cook in the rice cooker. It's important for you not to open the lid at any cost! You don't want the rice to lose precious moisture.
6. Once the rice cooked (with the sound sort of click) Remove the inner part of the rice cooker from the outer part. This is to prevent the rice from being over cook.
7. Let the cooked rice stand for 10 minutes (again don't open the lid yet).
8. After 10 minutes, the rice is prepared to be used.
9. Move the rice to non-metal container or big bowl (wood or plastic). When you taking out the rice from the pot, it is important for you not to scrape the bottom of the cooker and taken out the overcooked rice (a lil brownish) together...the overcooked rice doesn't taste really nice to make sushi, but it taste nice if you eat it just like that.
10. Add sushi vinegar according to the instruction, usually I put 3 tablespoon of sushi vinegar to 1 cup of rice. Use spatula made of wood or plastic to mix rice with vinegar. Metal used can alter the taste of the rice due to reaction of acid from vinegar to metal.
11. While doing step 10, try to fan the rice or turn on the electric at the highest setting. This helps to cool down the rice and gives it glossy sheen that is one of the sign of good sushi-meshi.
12. Walla! The rice done and ready to be hand-rolled, or rolled by makisu or shaped to apt size.
P/S: Sorry guys, no pic since I don't have a camera for now.
One of my friend actually have trouble making her sushi-meshi (sushi rice) nice...I'm happened to be lucky on my first I guess I shared what I told her here...on how to make sushi rice.
What you need: rice cooker, spatula and big container made of plastic or wood, sushi-rice (short grain, japonica variety), sushi vinegar, a cup or a bowl, water, fan and a good discipline to keep yourself from opening the rice cooker lid before the rice is cooked.
1. Use a cup or a bowl to measure the rice. We gonna use the same cup or bowl later to measure the water volume.
2. Run the rice under water to remove residues...wash until the water clear.
3. Remove as much water as possible, and then let the rice stand for 30 minutes to an hour...this step is important to make your sushi-meshi thoroughly cook *I learn this the hard way last night, which is my third attempt on making sushi*.
4. After step 3 done, place the rice into rice cooker and add water using the same cup or bowl in step 1. If you cook 1 cup of rice, then add 1 cup of water.
5. Let the rice cook in the rice cooker. It's important for you not to open the lid at any cost! You don't want the rice to lose precious moisture.
6. Once the rice cooked (with the sound sort of click) Remove the inner part of the rice cooker from the outer part. This is to prevent the rice from being over cook.
7. Let the cooked rice stand for 10 minutes (again don't open the lid yet).
8. After 10 minutes, the rice is prepared to be used.
9. Move the rice to non-metal container or big bowl (wood or plastic). When you taking out the rice from the pot, it is important for you not to scrape the bottom of the cooker and taken out the overcooked rice (a lil brownish) together...the overcooked rice doesn't taste really nice to make sushi, but it taste nice if you eat it just like that.
10. Add sushi vinegar according to the instruction, usually I put 3 tablespoon of sushi vinegar to 1 cup of rice. Use spatula made of wood or plastic to mix rice with vinegar. Metal used can alter the taste of the rice due to reaction of acid from vinegar to metal.
11. While doing step 10, try to fan the rice or turn on the electric at the highest setting. This helps to cool down the rice and gives it glossy sheen that is one of the sign of good sushi-meshi.
12. Walla! The rice done and ready to be hand-rolled, or rolled by makisu or shaped to apt size.
P/S: Sorry guys, no pic since I don't have a camera for now.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
KK Trip Diary: Three Days To Go
Some important info regarding destinations in KK
The Green Connection
Open daily 10am-6pm, 4.35 last entry
Badan Sukarelawan Complex, KM2, Jln Tuaran, Likas Sabah
Ticket Price RM25
How to get there
Taxi - RM15 from Town
Bus - RM1 from Wawasan Plaza Terminal
Blue or Purple service (big bus not minibus)
got off at wisma wanita
walk to st. john ambulance
any minibus to inanam, likas or tuaran
Sabah State Museum and Heritage Village
Jalan Bukit Istana Lama, KK
4km from city centre 088253199
Opening hours daily 9am - 5pm
Admission fee: My kad RM2
Getting there:
Taxi RM12 to 15 for up to 4 persons.
Bus - take no.13 towards penampang from either city hall or wawasan terminal.
-indicate stop to the driver
-fare RM1
Aquarium and Marine Museum
BMRI UMS 3km from city
open daily except on wednesday and public holiday
9.30am-12.30pm, 2pm - 4.30pm
Fee: Entry RM5, camera RM5
Bus - No. 5A in front of Wawasan Plaza, RM1.50 6.30am to 8pm
Taxi - RM18 per taxi. Return arrange with taxi driver.
TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PARK (088-486432,-486430,-486420(general line)
Open daily from 8.30 to 5pm
Boat at Jesselton Point
Boat transfer available 7.30am-5pm
Rate (return)
Manukan RM23
Mamutik RM23
Sapi RM23
Sulug RM25
Two Islands hops RM33
Three Islands hops RM43
Four Islands hops RM53
not inclusive RM7.20 terminal fee, RM3 entrance fee. Conservation fee? RM10?
Borneo Art Gallery
2nd Floor Asia City Complex, 088280707
open 9am-9pm monday-saturday, 9am-3pm sunday and public holiday
Free entrance
Handicraft market (Pasar Filipin)
Same stretch as Waterfront 7.30am-7.30pm
Gaya Street Fair Sunday 6.30am to 1pm
Kipandi Butterfly Park (088232015, 0168380100, 0138739092)
Moyog, Penampang, Crocker Range
Open daily 9am-4pm
Spot butterfly 9am-11am
taxi Rm30-50 per way
Rates RM10/pax
1Borneo, can take bus outside warisan square
Kinabalu Park
Mountain Garden 9am, 12pm, 3pm
Guided Walk 11am
Slide Show 2pm (weekends, 7.30pm)
Fee RM3
Guide walk begin at 11am, starts from Kinabalu Multipurpose Hall
The Green Connection
Open daily 10am-6pm, 4.35 last entry
Badan Sukarelawan Complex, KM2, Jln Tuaran, Likas Sabah
Ticket Price RM25
How to get there
Taxi - RM15 from Town
Bus - RM1 from Wawasan Plaza Terminal
Blue or Purple service (big bus not minibus)
got off at wisma wanita
walk to st. john ambulance
any minibus to inanam, likas or tuaran
Sabah State Museum and Heritage Village
Jalan Bukit Istana Lama, KK
4km from city centre 088253199
Opening hours daily 9am - 5pm
Admission fee: My kad RM2
Getting there:
Taxi RM12 to 15 for up to 4 persons.
Bus - take no.13 towards penampang from either city hall or wawasan terminal.
-indicate stop to the driver
-fare RM1
Aquarium and Marine Museum
BMRI UMS 3km from city
open daily except on wednesday and public holiday
9.30am-12.30pm, 2pm - 4.30pm
Fee: Entry RM5, camera RM5
Bus - No. 5A in front of Wawasan Plaza, RM1.50 6.30am to 8pm
Taxi - RM18 per taxi. Return arrange with taxi driver.
TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PARK (088-486432,-486430,-486420(general line)
Open daily from 8.30 to 5pm
Boat at Jesselton Point
Boat transfer available 7.30am-5pm
Rate (return)
Manukan RM23
Mamutik RM23
Sapi RM23
Sulug RM25
Two Islands hops RM33
Three Islands hops RM43
Four Islands hops RM53
not inclusive RM7.20 terminal fee, RM3 entrance fee. Conservation fee? RM10?
Borneo Art Gallery
2nd Floor Asia City Complex, 088280707
open 9am-9pm monday-saturday, 9am-3pm sunday and public holiday
Free entrance
Handicraft market (Pasar Filipin)
Same stretch as Waterfront 7.30am-7.30pm
Gaya Street Fair Sunday 6.30am to 1pm
Kipandi Butterfly Park (088232015, 0168380100, 0138739092)
Moyog, Penampang, Crocker Range
Open daily 9am-4pm
Spot butterfly 9am-11am
taxi Rm30-50 per way
Rates RM10/pax
1Borneo, can take bus outside warisan square
Kinabalu Park
Mountain Garden 9am, 12pm, 3pm
Guided Walk 11am
Slide Show 2pm (weekends, 7.30pm)
Fee RM3
Guide walk begin at 11am, starts from Kinabalu Multipurpose Hall
Kitty Pic for the Day - 18th April 2011
This picture taken last year at my bf place around Christmas.
One day we noticed Ciki was quiet.
That's unusual for Ciki to be quiet.
So I take a lot at him and he seem to have fever.
Turn out, he have somewhat deep wound on his hind leg.
He must have gotten it from fighting with other cat.
No worries, he's all good the next day.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 17th April 2011
Introducing Gegirl.
The oldest cat in my bf family.
She's a very reserved and proud cat.
She loves eating spirullina tablet.
No, no one gives her the tablet. She noms tablet that drops accidentally on floor.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 16th April 2011
Introducing Ciki.
My bf is his human.
Ciki is an active cat and he's pretty aggressive when he play.
His favourite activity is annoying Gegirl (the other cat).
Friday, April 15, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 15th April 2011
Introducing Buta.
She's the oldest cat member in our family.
She's is almost fully blind.
Her right eyes not functioning since she's a small kitten.
The other one clouded with cataract.
Nevertheless, she's very active and playful
Oh, she have a very stubby tail. Just small piece of bone and skin.
KK Trip Diary: One Week To Go
One week before the trip, we decide to rearrange the trip to suit others time and to suit the rescheduled flight.
21st April (Thursday)
-Flight from KCH for L,F, and J.
-Sleep at airport.
22nd April (Friday)
-Flight from KL for A.
-Meet up at Masada Backpackers.
-Green Connection (Around 10.30am or 11am)
-Aquarium and Marine Museum (If sempat)
23rd April (Saturday)
-Manukan Island!!!!
-Pasar Malam Sinsuran
24th April (Sunday)
-Kinabalu Park, leave as early as possible.
25th April (Monday)
-Explore KK Town
*might want to add extra 1 night at Masada.
26th April (Tuesday)
-6am take taxi to airport
-8am adios KK, Hello KCH.
Budget minimum around RM500
21st April (Thursday)
-Flight from KCH for L,F, and J.
-Sleep at airport.
22nd April (Friday)
-Flight from KL for A.
-Meet up at Masada Backpackers.
-Green Connection (Around 10.30am or 11am)
-Aquarium and Marine Museum (If sempat)
23rd April (Saturday)
-Manukan Island!!!!
-Pasar Malam Sinsuran
24th April (Sunday)
-Kinabalu Park, leave as early as possible.
25th April (Monday)
-Explore KK Town
*might want to add extra 1 night at Masada.
26th April (Tuesday)
-6am take taxi to airport
-8am adios KK, Hello KCH.
Budget minimum around RM500
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Cat and Dolphins
Super cute! I love cats, but cat plus dolphins? OMG, I could be dead from overdosed cuteness. Super adorable.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 13th April 2011
This picture was taken about 2 years ago.
These kittens are adopted from strays.
Strays keep coming to our place since we feed them together with all the cats that the family readily have.
People should be more responsible with their pets.
Kittens are not to be thrown out because it is no longer convenient to take care of.
Kittens are to be love.
Sadly, we can keep all the kittens in the house.
But they can have shelter at our outdoor kitchen.
Random thoughts.
"We ask for strength and you give us difficulties which make us strong; we ask for wisdom and you send us problems, the solutions of which develop wisdom. We plead for prosperity and you give us brain and brawn to work; we plead for courage and you give us dangers to overcome. We ask for favors and you give us opportunities."
Sometime, some people, they let themselves become the victim of the situation. For them, it's the best to do. Maybe it's the best for their own self, or for other people that they care about. These people, some maybe just simple victim. Some may be more than that. By giving it up, they are actually fighting. It could be they are fighting against their own desire. Fighting against it thinking what's best for others.
I might not have the strength to become a person like that. I think, I will fight. I refuse to become the victim of the situation. I'm just to selfish to think about others. But I know that's all bullshit. I'm just a coward.
I don't know if I make sense here...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day -12th April 2011
A stray I found at the KFC outlet.
She look so cute with the half mask.
Even better, she's a kitler!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 11th April 2011
Nyah is the only survivor from his litter.
I think that explains why he's such a diva.
He would whine and be very vocal when people refuse to give him attention.
And that's why I love him.
He need his human as much as his human needs him.
I miss you Nyah,
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Trip to Sungai Ranchan and Lunch at Kim Bay
Yesterday, Bella, Jong Jen and I went to Sungai Ranchan. It was about 50 minutes drive from Kota Samarahan.
It was my first time at Ranchan. It's a beautiful place with lush green scenery and beautiful clear river. We spent good 3 hours there.
After Ranchan, we went to The Spring and had our lunch at Kim Bay Restaurant.
I had Lemon Tea. RM3.90
Bella had Longan Milk. RM 5.30
Jong Jen had Mix Fruit Ice with Ice Cream. RM 5.30
This Lo Mai Kai is not bad at all. The glutinous rice is just nice. The filling includes chicken meat, shitake mushroom, salted egg yolk and salted dried shrimp. RM3.80 for two.
Jong Jen had Dumpling Noodle Soup. It looks so yummy. RM6.90
I'd Beef Mushroom Steamed with Rice. I'm a lil disappointed because this dish a little to dry even tho it was steamed.
Lastly, Bella had this awesome Cheese Baked Rice with Seafood and Mushroom. RM15.90
We went for a makeover at Shu Uemura and I went on hauling some stuffs. Read more about it here
We went for a makeover at Shu Uemura and I went on hauling some stuffs. Read more about it here
Kitty Pic for the Day - 10th April 2011
This is my favourite picture of Nyah.
It shows how photogenic he is.
He know he's a gorgeous cat. He's very well aware of that.
Look how fluffy his fur is.
It's hard to believe his mommy and daddy is just a stray cats adopted to our family.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 9th April 2011
I told you before Nyah loves camera right?!
He really do.
He was playing with my mum feet when this picture was taken.
When I took out the camera, he immediately stop playing and strike a pose, acting cute and stuff.
As quick as he pose, as quickly also he return to playing after the flash went out.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 8th April 2011
This picture was taken when I first get close to Nyah.
At this time he still refuse from being touch, but he's highly curious of the camera.
And that is the start of a love affair between Nyah and camera.
He just loves camera.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
KK Trip Diary: Two weeks to go.
Trip to Kota Kinabalu is only two weeks. I'm excited and worried since I feel bad I'm not productive with lab work lately.
Starting from today until the day we're going to KK itself, I'm going to regularly write pre-travel post which includes trip plans, budget estimations and destinations information.
To start the ball rolling, here is the general plan.
21st April
-Arrive at the airport around midnight. Sleep at airport.
22nd April
-breakfast at the airport.
-check in at Masada Backpackers
-Green Connections
-undecided yet
23rd April
-Kinabalu Park
-Pasar Malam Sinsuran
-undecided yet.
24th April
-Pasar Gaya
-Manukan Island
-undecided yet.
25th April
-Explore KK town (Handicraft market)
26th April
-flight back to Kuching
Starting from today until the day we're going to KK itself, I'm going to regularly write pre-travel post which includes trip plans, budget estimations and destinations information.
To start the ball rolling, here is the general plan.
21st April
-Arrive at the airport around midnight. Sleep at airport.
22nd April
-breakfast at the airport.
-check in at Masada Backpackers
-Green Connections
-undecided yet
23rd April
-Kinabalu Park
-Pasar Malam Sinsuran
-undecided yet.
24th April
-Pasar Gaya
-Manukan Island
-undecided yet.
25th April
-Explore KK town (Handicraft market)
26th April
-flight back to Kuching
Kitty Pic for the Day - 7th April 2011
Nyah during meal.
In the picture above, he was so excited that he actually eat from the food container, not from his plate =.=
No, he's not that hungry, just greedy.
My mum once complained to me on how choosy the cats is with their wet food.
She said the cat would only eat the fish if it were raw or deep fried.
They don't like it boiled.
And the fried fish, you can't just fried it simply like that.
They want it seasoned with turmeric and tamarind.
I think my mum just love pampering them.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 6th April 2011
In my previous Kitty post, I tell how Nyah is a recluse from his human family except my dad.
I'm annoyed of that fact because I love him. He's such a beautiful cat.
Determined to win his love, I feed him everyday.
Usually, it's my mum who feed the cats.
As I feed the cats, I try to get as close as possible to him.
Started with gentle rub on his back, few days later, he rubs his body against my legs whenever I'm nearby.
The next thing, he become my favourite model.
Emotional reunion of Ban and her mummy.
I think, for any dog or cat pet the female human is their mummy. I feel like to all my cats. This morning, I saw a video in Youtube, about a dog reuniting with her owner. The dog was rescued from a roof drifting about 1.8km from the shore, 3 weeks after the Tohoku tsunami.
It's so touching to see how relieved the owner is. She must be dreading that she would never find her dog again. It's so heartwarming looking at the dog wagging her tail and being so excited reunited with her owner. Those three weeks drifted on the roof must be very harsh for Ban.
I'm so glad that the Japanese Coast Guard did all they could not just to save the human, but the animal too. Small stories like is the kind of stories that gives hope to people around the globe.
It's so touching to see how relieved the owner is. She must be dreading that she would never find her dog again. It's so heartwarming looking at the dog wagging her tail and being so excited reunited with her owner. Those three weeks drifted on the roof must be very harsh for Ban.
I'm so glad that the Japanese Coast Guard did all they could not just to save the human, but the animal too. Small stories like is the kind of stories that gives hope to people around the globe.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Perfect Apartment for Me
I always wanted to have a small studio apartment for myself. I used to dream about impossibly large mansion with backyard as far as I can see it. But as I grow older, I feel I'm contented enough to have a small cosy place that I can afford. I keep thinking about how it is best to organize my stuffs. I have a lot of organization idea for my ideal crib.
And then, Obefiend post this in Blog Serius, and that's exactly how I want my ideal apartment like, okay, maybe another 10 sq ft for my makeup storage XD . You can read more about it here.
Your dream home doesn't have to be a large place with every single thing you can have. It just have to be a home where you feel safe and comfortable.
And then, Obefiend post this in Blog Serius, and that's exactly how I want my ideal apartment like, okay, maybe another 10 sq ft for my makeup storage XD . You can read more about it here.
Your dream home doesn't have to be a large place with every single thing you can have. It just have to be a home where you feel safe and comfortable.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Kitty Pic for the Day - 4th April 2011
One of God greatest creation. An awesome species of human companion.
I'm gonna regularly post cat pictures, some from my own collection, some for the web.

I'm gonna start with this awesome pic of my dear cats. These three are siblings, but from two different litter. I'm not sure what they are doing at that time, but I'm pretty sure it's not the last funny antics of my cats that gonna be caught on camera.
It looks as tho the two white kittens are Nyah (the tabby cat) guards and chaperons.
I love my cats.
I'm gonna regularly post cat pictures, some from my own collection, some for the web.
I'm gonna start with this awesome pic of my dear cats. These three are siblings, but from two different litter. I'm not sure what they are doing at that time, but I'm pretty sure it's not the last funny antics of my cats that gonna be caught on camera.
It looks as tho the two white kittens are Nyah (the tabby cat) guards and chaperons.
I love my cats.
KK is only about two weeks away
I'm so excited! We've been planning this trip since last year. I'm so excited to visit the Manukan Island, Kinabalu Park, Green Connection and many other places in Kota Kinabalu. I find the TripAdvisor and Sabah Tourism Board webpage has been super helpful in planning the schedule and budget estimation. I'm gonna to more detail about it later as now is 4.30 am in the morning and I'm supposed to be in bed right now. LOL.
Another blog, YAY!
I love Flecks, my makeup blog, but I don't want to flood it with non-beauty post. So, I decided to have More Flecks! so I can be more relaxed here.
Here is another new start :)
Here is another new start :)
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