
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emotional reunion of Ban and her mummy.

I think, for any dog or cat pet the female human is their mummy. I feel like to all my cats. This morning, I saw a video in Youtube, about a dog reuniting with her owner. The dog was rescued from a roof drifting about 1.8km from the shore, 3 weeks after the Tohoku tsunami.

It's so touching to see how relieved the owner is. She must be dreading that she would never find her dog again. It's so heartwarming looking at the dog wagging her tail and being so excited reunited with her owner. Those three weeks drifted on the roof must be very harsh for Ban.

I'm so glad that the Japanese Coast Guard did all they could not just to save the human, but the animal too. Small stories like is the kind of stories that gives hope to people around the globe.

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